Financial Aid
New York State Financial Aid Programs
State of New York Financial Aid Programs | Who is Eligible? | Eligibility Criteria | Award Amounts * | Application Instructions |
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) | U.S. citizens or permanent residents and also N.Y. State resident enrolled (matriculated) for 12 credits or more in degree program; cannot be in default on any NYS guaranteed education loan. Part -time students in 6-11 credits who began college in 2006-07 or later, earn at least 12 credits in each of 2 prior semesters; have a 2.0 or higher GPA,; and meet all other TAP eligibility requirements may also be considered. | Undergraduate students who are dependent or independent and married OR have tax dependents: $80,000 NYS NET taxable income or less. Single independent with no dependents: $10,000 NYS NET taxable income or less. Income adjusted for number of family members in full-time college attendance. | TAP awards based on NYS net taxable income. Awards for first-time recipients range from $500 to full MCC tuition per year for dependent undergraduates or independent students with dependents. Single independent students' (without dependents) awards range from $500 -full MCC tuition | In addition to the FAFSA, you must file a N.Y. State TAP application. The TAP application can be filed on-line from a link on the on-line FAFSA confirmation page, or by going to after the FAFSA is processed. If you do not have an e-mail address HESC will mail you the TAP Application. |
Aid for Part Time Study Program (APTS) | U.S. citizen or permanent resident and also NYS resident enrolled (matriculated) for 3-11 credits in a degree program; can not be in default on any NYS guaranteed education loan. | Students who are dependent or independent and have tax dependents other than a spouse: $50,550 NYS net taxable income or less. Single or married independents with no dependents: $34,250 NYS net taxable income or less. | APTS awards based on NYS net taxable income and the number of credits registered for. Award amounts range from $100 to $500 per semester based on the amount of APTS funds available. | Applications are available at the Financial Aid Office, or at the financial aid website at |
Excelsior Scholarship | New York State residents enrolled in 12 or more credit hours. Must earn 30 credits per year. ADA students could also be considered at less than full-time | Eligibility requirements can be found at: | Tuition minus any grants and/or scholarships | Applications are available at:: |
New York State Part-Time Scholarship | Eligibility requirements can be found at: | Eligibility requirements can be found at: | Tuition minus any grants and/or scholarships | Applications are available at: |
Regents Award for Child of Veterans (CV) and Child of Correction Officer Awards (CO) | Children of veterans who are deceased, disabled or missing in action as a result of service during World War I, World War II, Korean Conflict or Vietnam (CV) or who died as a result of injuries sustained in line of duty (CO). | Must meet eligibility requirements. Contact your local Division of Veterans Affairs for information or call 1-800-635-6534 (N.Y. State Div. of Veteran Affairs). | $450 per year, for up to five years, depending on the normal length of the program. | Same as TAP above. In addition, file the CV or CO Award Supplement available on request from NYSHESC: 518-473-7087. |
Memorial Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased Police Officers and Firefighters World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship and New York State Flight 3407 Memorial Scholarship | Child or spouse of person who died in service. Child, spouse, and financial dependents of victims who died or were severely and permanently disabled or survivors who were severely and permanently disabled. | Must meet eligibility requirements. Must submit documentation supporting eligibility as noted in special supplement. | Award amounts are based on tuition and non-tuition costs of attendance. In combination with certain other state and federal grants, may equal the average cost of attendance at the State University of N.Y. | Same as TAP above. In addition, file the appropriate award supplement, available on request from NYSHESC: 518-473-7087. |
Aid to Native Americans | Member on the official tribal roll of a N.Y. State tribe or child of a member. | Must provide documentation. | Up to $875 per year for a maximum of four years or five years in certain programs. | Contact: Native American Indian Education Unit, N. Y. State Education Dept. Education Building Annex, Rm. 374, Albany, NY 12234, 518-474-0537. |
Veterans Tuition Awards | Recipients must meet New York residency requirements and have served in the armed forces during specified periods of hostility. | Students complete all eligibility requirements including filing for TAP and Pell grants | Awards are up to full tuition. | Same as TAP above. In addition, file the Veterans Tuition Award Supplement to establish eligibility. Call NYSHESC at 518-473-7087 for information. |
NY AIMS | Recipients must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and also meet New York residency requirements. | Must be a graduate of a NYS high school in the most recent graduating class; enroll full-time as a first time student in an eligible NYS college for the most recent term; achieve at least two of the following during high school: graduated with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.3 or above; graduated "with honors" on a NYS Regents diploma or received a score of 3 or higher on two or more Advanced Placement (or AP) examinations; graduated within the top 15% of his or her high school class. | A recipient receives an annual award of $500.
Up to 5,000 awards will be granted to new recipients for the 2016-17 academic years. The number of awards to be made under this Program is subject to available funding. Note: Any award payment received may have tax implications. Any questions regarding this should be directed to a tax professional, the Internal Revenue Service, or the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance. | Applications are available at |
ADA Part-Time TAP | Education Law section 661(4)(g) provides that for students who are disabled as defined by the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, "the full-time attendance requirement is eliminated. Such disabled students may be in part-time attendance, as defined by the commissioner in order to be eligible to receive payments. . ." | Undergraduate students who are dependent or independent and married OR have tax dependents: $80,000 NYS NET taxable income or less. Single independent with no dependents: $10,000 NYS NET taxable income or less. Income adjusted for number of family members in full-time college attendance. | Awards up to full tuition. | Same as TAP above. In addition, file the appropriate award supplement with a Counselor in the Services for Students with Disabilities Office in 3-103. |
NY STEM | Recipients must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and also meet New York residency requirements. | Must be a high school senior/recent high school graduate who will be enrolled full-time at a SUNY or CUNY college, including community colleges and the statutory colleges at Cornell University and Alfred University, beginning in the fall term following his or her high school graduation; be ranked in the top 10 percent of his/her high school graduating class at a NYS high school; be matriculated in an approved undergraduate program leading to a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics at a SUNY or CUNY college; earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher term each term after the first semester; execute a Service Contract agreeing to reside in and work in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics in NYS for five years. | A recipient receives an annual award for full-time study equal to the annual tuition charged to NYS resident students attending an undergraduate program at the State University of New York (SUNY), or actual tuition charged, whichever is less.
The STEM Incentive Program award will be reduced by the amount of any other tuition-only assistance award, such as the NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), received. Note: Any award payment received may have tax implications. Any questions regarding this should be directed to a tax professional, the Internal Revenue Service, or the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance. | Applications are available at |